Tuesday 19 October 2010

Google Alert - Pots

News10 new results for Pots
Typical pension pot of 60 year old is £10600
A 60 year old could typically expect to retire on £125 more over the same periods, with their pension pot increasing to £10643, while a 65 year can expect ...
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Falling temperatures means it's time to get crocked
Gaston Gazette
But unlike that fondue set or wok now gathering dust in the back of everyone's closet, crock pots have undergone a makeover. ...
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Casino Games Article
New poker books designed to give players the winning edge in no-limit hold'em and pot-limit Omaha have just hit the shelves. First up is seasoned author Ed ...
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Casino Games Article
He was relying on good luck to help him win a pot; and he did indeed win a few small pots when his hand connected. Apparently, he never heard of "value ...
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New Zealand Government Approves Exploratory Permit to Catch Crabs at ...
TopNews New Zealand
The fishermen catch the crabs which are present at depths of 900 m to 1200 m in pots, and 'berried' egg-carrying females are sent back to the ocean. ...
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TopNews New Zealand
Food and Cooking
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Michelle Mooney, the lady standing over a series of deep pots on the massive stove, is the one calling this out. Every once in a while, she uses a big ...
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Channeling defeat into victory
Monterey County Herald
I needed to win more consistently, take more breaks at the table, and remain calm and focused no matter how many pots I lost or bad beats I'd taken. ...
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Terry Used To Lead - Now He Just Follows!
Pits n Pots
Terry must have a load of new evidence that counters all of the investigation that Pits n Pots have put in over the past year. ...
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Artists to participate in Native American art show
Wilmington News Journal, OH
Darnell prefers the southwestern style of flat, round pots. Both she and her husband use a natural stone burnishing process to give their pottery its seal ...
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Tom Dwan Wins $554K from Ilari Sahamies
Poker News Nation
The pots were huge and kept growing as the play escalated. Zigmund's luck held out during a few of these hands and saw him take in $380k in a single hand ...
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Blogs5 new results for Pots
Re: Update POTs for new website redesign -- Fedora Websites
is fixed >> > > if it is not fixed, you will need to update the POT again. >> > > >> > >> > We should also check if there is no "${Markup('" strings instead of >> > "${Markup(_('" as I've explained in an other thread. ...
Fedora Websites - http://www.spinics.net/linux/fedora/fedora-websites/
Hot Pots – During the Day « The Family Trifecta
By Amy
Hosted by Krystyn at Really, Are You Serious? Growing up in Utah County, there were many nights that the teenagers or college students would hike to the Diamond Fork Hot Pots or go to the hot spri.
The Family Trifecta - http://www.thefamilytrifecta.com/
Blog « snapdragon66 « Profiles « gardenersclick
By 15586
Began in September I bought 4 bags of John Innes compost and some multi purpose and set about emptying all my lily pots and replanting them all in fresh compost. I had about 10 pots and they have been in the same compost for several ...
Gardening Blog - Gardeners Click - http://www.gardenersclick.com/gardeningblogs
Work|Life|Tips: The Cracked Water Pot
By Marian Morgan
A water bearer had two large pots. Each hung on either end of a pole which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it. The other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long walk ...
Work|Life|Tips - http://worklifetips.blogspot.com/
52 New Things » Blog Archive » New Thing #40 – Throw some clay
By nickthorpe
Stephen himself has been potting for over 30 years and claims to have "thrown" over half a million pots. That is a lot of clay. In fact, he once made over 730 pots in eight hours for charity. I, on the other hand, made four in seventy ...
52 New Things - http://www.52newthings.co.uk/

Web4 new results for Pots
10 Moss Pots by FayeMarie on Etsy
10 diminutive terra-cotta flower pots filled with dried sphagnum moss with wooden plant tags for writing yours guests names on. Use for place settings.
Garden Pots and Container Groupings, Scottsdale, AZ,
MerchantCircle.com -- JSL Landscape Design & Construction of 7921 E. willetta, Scottsdale, AZ. Phone: 480-246-1400. JSL Landscape is a design & build ...
Lawn & Garden From Garden Bridge, Planting Pots & More
PLANTING POTS. View additional pictures including packaging photos by clicking here. Generic product photos are for illustrative purposes only - conditions ...
Tea-Locking Pots - The Bodum Bean Tea Press Introduces a New Tea ...
bodum bean tea press - Bodum and the English Tea Council have collaborated in creating a new way to brew tea through the Bodum Bean Tea Press.

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Google Alert - Garden pots

Updates1 new result for Garden pots
ChristmasCenter: SET 2 GARDEN FRIENDS SITTING BUNNY FIGURES HOLDING POTS: US $70.00 End Date: Thursday Nov-18-2010 5:06:11 PSTBuy I...
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Google Alert - large garden pots

Updates8 new results for large garden pots
S_and_V_Clark: Still picking toms, in greenhouse & garden, cucumbers & peppers still growing, beetroot, carrots & pots OK, courgettes good, some look like
Twitter - 3 hours ago
Sazzim: RT I'm confused - just looked in the garden and all my pots have flowers, yesterday they were all dead - can my bank balance do the same?
Twitter - 12 hours ago
Sazzim: I'm confused - just looked in the garden and all my pots have flowers, yesterday they were all dead
Twitter - 12 hours ago
a_meya: @soo_numb 2 pots ahet tyala garden ahe mhane..
Twitter - 13 hours ago
GardenShopping: Eirenne Water Feature: Eirenne Water Feature Ideally placed in the corner of a garden this feature combines pots,...
Resin, UK Water Features | Eirenne Water Feature | 51505 » - growmygarden.co.uk
Twitter - 13 hours ago
4BestHerbs: Even if you have room to grow herbs in the garden, there are some great reasons to grow some herbs in pots too.
Growing Herbs in Pots - herbgardeningonlineguide.com
Twitter - 17 hours ago
BugladySuzanne: I start tons of extra veggie plants in the spring in Fertil pots and then give them to my neighbors to get them to garden. #gardenchat
Twitter - 19 hours ago
jaime_davis: @JordanGoldfeld pots actually installed a pole in the beer garden so we just stick her chain leash on it. ...
TMI.me: when you have too much to say... - tmi.me
Twitter - 23 hours ago

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Monday 18 October 2010

When deciding what containers to use in your garden or outdoor space consider what type of plants you want to use and the decorative effect that the container(s) of choice has on the surroundings as well as the size and type of space you have available. Below is a description of a variety of containers each with different qualities and requirements. Hopefully there is enough information included here to help you to utilize garden containers to maximize effect.

It is also a good idea to scour the internet for photos of different containers and be bedazzled by the vast assortment of them before choosing and buying your favourite containers.

Ceramic plant pots

These come in a variety of colours and are finished with a high gloss exterior. They can be quite large & heavy when filled with soil (as with some other containers). So plan first where to place them. You can of course buy a pot mover (which is a board on wheels) to move them around the garden when looking for a shady spot for your plant on a hot summer's day.

Fibre-glass/poly resin pots

Fibre-glass/poly resin pots are made to look like traditional stone urns or lead cisterns. When you buy fibre-glass/poly resin pots it is a good idea to get top of the range items so as to keep that quality look. The ageing process will eventually make lower-priced fibre-glass/poly resin pots look cheap & tatty. This also applies to other artificial containers that you use in your garden.

Half-Whisky barrels

When buying a half-barrel at a garden centre or online, hopefully, it will have been prepared for planting. This means that holes have been drilled in the bottom of the barrel and the wood treated with preservative. If this has not been done, remember to do this yourself first before using it in your garden.

If you have bought or acquired a genuine half-whisky barrel, the inside of the barrel will have been charred and so will not need to be treated further (other than holes being drilled in the bottom).

Half-barrels are heavy once full, so planting in them is usually permanent. Make sure you take time to prepare the barrel as well as choosing a suitable location for it.

Large ornamental plants, shrubs and trees can be grown in half-barrels due to their size.

Plastic pots

Plastic pots are good for starting off young plants indoors, in the green house or the conservatory but they do not make the best decorative outdoor containers that are available due to weathering but keep their appearance indoors which means house plants look fine in them. Please remember that plant pots stood outside on a hot summer's day can cause the roots to boil thus impeding the plant's health or killing it. Make sure they are placed in a shady position as long as the plant tolerates such conditions.

Stone urns

Stone urns conjure up the garden scenes from the days of colonialism and are suitable for decorating mature city gardens and country gardens alike.

Brand new stone urns can be painted with plain yoghurt which encourages moss and lichen to establish more rapidly to give the surface of the container an aged look.

Terracotta pots

The reddish colour of unglazed terracotta pots make them very appealing and contrasts with the green of the foliage (red is the opposite of green on the colour wheel). It is this contrast that provides the harmony that terracotta brings to the garden.

Terracotta will dry out quicker in the summer (as opposed to plastic pots which retain moisture better) so will need watering once a day, morning or evening (remember that watering in the middle a hot day can fry the plants foliage). They do remain cooler than there plastic counterparts though. Remember terracotta pots need watering every day in dry weather and plastic pots need to be kept out of the hot sun. Choose plants accordingly.

During the cold, damp conditions of the winter months, algae & moss grow on terracotta and need to be scrubbed clean when the damp weather has passed.

Versailles tubs

Versailles tubs provide an atmosphere of formality to the outdoor area they are placed in, due to their cubed shape. They are suitable for placing clipped bay or box, fruit trees or a standard rose inside.

They are often seen in pairs either side of a grand entrance to an exclusive club or hotel.

Also, consider that these types of tubs are often made of wood today which means that a potted plant should be placed inside them instead of putting soil directly into them. This means that plants can be changed regarding the changing of the seasons or due to disease or pestilence, a point worth considering when using any kind of decorative pot or tub.

Daniel R Sykes BTh (Hons) is a garden designer, allotment holder and p/t gardener for the elderly & infirm. He has several years experience in hard landscaping (laying of patios, paths, driveways etc) and is owner & author of a new garden design website http://asplashofheaven.com/default.aspx

He also has an interest in homemade organic produce using traditional recipes to make jams & chutneys, pies & cakes (using ingredients handpicked himself from the garden/allotment) from experience gained working as a baker's assistant many years ago. For more information on container gardening please visit http://asplashofheaven.com/container_gardening.aspx

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daniel_Sykes

Sunday 17 October 2010

Stone Flower And Plant Pots Online.

Large plant pots are readily available in shops, markets, online stores and designer galleries. Each place offers pots of a unique kind of style. So if you know what kind of gardening pots you want, you can directly head for the place that would provide you the particular kind of large plant pots. The following are some places from where you can purchase these pots.

Common markets: You can buy large plant pots from any common market. In fact, the common market can provide you with almost all kinds of large plant pots, starting from earthen pots to steel ones. It is difficult to get your pots customized in wholesale and retail markets, but still it is worth a try. The expenses would depend on the particular quality and kind of pot you are purchasing. For wholesale purchase, the cost will obviously be less. Try to visit a wholesale market when you buy these pots in bulk. But to save yourself from useless expenditure, buy the pots in large numbers from wholesale outlets only if you need them. Visit a retail store if you want to buy one or two pots.

Designer galleries: If you want a unique kind of plant pot, then visit designer galleries. They experiment not only with the medium and designs on the pots, but also with the shapes and sizes. The use of mixed media, for example the combination of wood and clay, brass and stone and many others look rather elegant and unique. Usually, the designer galleries would not prepare these artifacts according to your needs. But if you place individual orders for customized pots, they will definitely provide you with it. However, most of the times, these stores and galleries ask for a fortune.

Traditional potters and artisans: The best places to buy large plant pots or for that matter, any kind of garden decorations are the workshops of traditional artisans. Go to a potter and pick up authentic earthenware that bears a quaint ethnic charm. You can also ask for an additional terracotta work on them. In Mexico, go to the Talavera artisans and pick up traditional ceramic pots of different shapes and sizes. The designs on them may be customized. Chinese pottery and ceramic work, too, have been acclaimed for ages. Do not forget to pick a piece of Chinese plant pot with delicate designs on them if you are on a trip to China. And the best part is that the artisans sell these artifacts at a nominal rate.

Ways to choose large plant pots

When you buy large potters you should be careful about the shapes and sizes you choose. Although one can emphasize the role of appearance, yet, it is good to obtain pots of a shape and size that would be commensurate with the kind of trees you would plant in the pots. For example, trees with hardly any sideways growth of branches, but with a good upward growth, will require pots that are deep.

If you want to know more about the places to buy plant pots from, then please visit large plant pots

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Luke_Wildman